List of Specifications
This resource provides you a single point of reference for all of the specifications, publicly-available code bases, and Google/Mozilla documentation that are involved in the Google Privacy Sandbox. To be listed here, a technology must either be one of the primary APIs or be mentioned in one or more related specification documents. This reference is a living document and will evolve with the products and my understanding of the underlying technologies.
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Privacy Sandbox General Resources
High level overviews of the core APIs from Google or others, as well as shared resources for developer support during the FOT #1 and beyond
W3C Privacy Community Working Group
A general group, not specific to the Sandbox
Meets twice a month, on the second and fourth Thursdays at 9AM PT
Topics API
The intent of the Topics API is to provide callers with coarse-grained, contextual advertising topics that the page visitor might currently be interested in
Protected Audiences API
- Turtledove
Core API for creating privacy-protected audiences (interest groups) and a privacy-preserving mechanism for running and bidding on ad auctions
Attribution Reporting API
Supports measurement of clicks and views with event-level and aggregate reports
Fenced Frames
The fenced frame enforces a boundary between the embedding page and the cross-site embedded document (the ad) such that user data visible to the two sites is not able to be joined together. This can be helpful in preventing user tracking or other privacy threats.
Protected Auction Services
Core elements of the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and Key Value Server. Includes defining the TEE, bidding and auction services, and key value services
Protected Auction Services WG
Every other Wednesday 9AM PT
See links to documentation for the individual services listed in the table
Aggregation Service
The Attribution Reporting API is designed to provide two types of reports: an "event-level report," which corresponds to a single attributed event, and a summary report. Adtechs use the aggregation service to generate summary reports, which offer detailed conversion data (such as purchase values and cart contents) and flexibility for click and view data
Private Aggregation API
A proposal from the WC3 Privacy Advertising Technology Community Group that introduces a generic mechanism for measuring aggregate, cross-site data in a privacy-preserving manner
Privacy Advertising Technology Community Group (PATWG)
2nd and 4th Thursdays every month
9 - 10AM PT
FLEDGE Key Value Service
Trusted servers in FLEDGE are used to add real-time signals into ad selection for both buyers and sellers. The FLEDGE proposal specifies that these trusted servers should provide basic key-value lookups to facilitate fetching these signals but do no event-level logging or have other side effects
See Protected Auction Services WG
Bidding Auction Services
The Bidding and Auction Services proposal outlines a way to allow Protected Audience computation to take place on cloud servers in a trusted execution environment, rather than running locally on a user's device.
Provides a set of APIs for an online attestation process, an attestation model, which requires developers to agree to restrictions around the usage of the Google Sandbox services to prevent re-identification of users across sites
No specific W3C specification or working group
See Protected Audience Working Group Meetings above
k-anonymity server
Related Website Sets (RWS) is a way for a company to declare relationships among sites, so that browsers allow limited third-party cookie access for specific purposes.
Client-Side Storage Partitioning
To prevent certain types of side-channel cross-site tracking, Chrome has partitioned most storage and communications APIs in third-party contexts.
W3C Privacy Community Working Group (general group, not specific to the Sandbox)
Meets twice a month, on the second and fourth Thursdays at 9AM PT
Shared Storage
A browser-related storage API that is intentionally not partitioned by top-frame site (though still partitioned by context origin of course!). To limit cross-site reidentification of users, data in Shared Storage may only be read in a restricted environment
Private State Tokens
The goal of the Private State Tokens is to transfer a limited number of signals across sites through time in a privacy preserving manner.
This API proposes a new per-origin storage area for “Privacy Pass” style cryptographic tokens, which are accessible in third party contexts. These tokens are non-personalized and cannot be used to track users, but are cryptographically signed so they cannot be forged.
CHIPS (Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State)
Allow developers to opt into a cookie in "partitioned" storage, with a separate cookie jar per top-level site.
Cookies: HTTP State Management Mechanism: RFC6265bis-13 (draft)
Meets monthly on the fourth Thursday
Privacy Sandbox Developer Support
Privacy Sandbox Resources for Chromium Developers
Federated Credential Management
Federated Credential Management attempts to preserve and elevate identity federation (e.g. OpenID, OAuth and SAML) for a more private Web
Federated Credential Management API
Bounce Tracking Mitigations
A specification to reduce ability of third-parties to perform bounce tracking. Bounce tracking refers to the use of redirects in a top-level context along with link decoration to join user identities between sites.
Client-side Storage Partitioning
An approach to local storage that basically ties storage of any item to a particular top-level domain so that no cross-site tracking can occur
W3C Privacy Community Working Group
General group, not specific to the Sandbox
Meets every other Thursday
Google Safe Browsing API
Safe Browsing is a Google service that lets client applications check URLs against Google's constantly updated lists of unsafe web resources.
IP Protection
Chrome is reintroducing a proposal to protect users against cross-site tracking via IP addresses. This proposal is a privacy proxy that anonymizes IP addresses for qualifying traffic as described above.
Navigational Tracking
This specification defines navigational tracking and when and how browsers are required to prevent it from happening.
W3C Navigational Tracking Specification
Meets monthly on the fourth Thursday
Network State Partitioning
A browser’s network resources, such as connections, DNS cache, and alternative service data are generally shared globally. Network State Partitioning will partition much of this state to prevent these resources from being shared across first-party contexts
Privacy Budget
An attempt to create a metric that communicates the amount of data collected (the amount of privacy exposure) by a specific browser. Once the metric is in place, then privacy budget limits can be put in place to establish a standard for the industry to follow
Storage Access API
The Storage Access API enables content inside iframe
s to request and be granted access to their client-side storage, so that embedded content which relies on having access to client-side storage can work in such User Agents.
There is currently an intension to extend the Storage Access API to non-cookie storage. This would provide a means for authenticated cross-site embeds to check their blocking status and request access to storage if they are blocked.
The Storage Access API Specification
Extending Storage Access API to Non-Cookie Storage Specification
Meets monthly on the fourth Thursday
User Agent Client Hints API and User Agent Reduction
The User-Agent string specifies details about the browser and device you use so that sites you visit render and function well. However, it is also a significant surface for so-called passive fingerprinting. Client Hints API enables sites to request the information they need directly and will eventually reduce details contained in the User-Agent string, limiting the information shared about an online user
Web Risk API
Web Risk is the enterprise version of the Safe Browsing API. It is a Google Cloud service that lets client applications check URLs against Google's constantly updated lists of unsafe web resources.
Google Web Risk Service
An interface that web developers use to schedule asynchronous and non-blocking delivery of data that minimizes resource contention with other time-critical operations, while ensuring that such requests are still processed and delivered to destination. Used extensively by for reporting in Protected Audiences and Attribution Reporting APIs
Web Performance Working Group
meet 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 8-9 PT or 10-11PT depending on whether 2nd or 4th week.
There is no formal github repository but this one has some useful approaches
Content Security Policy: Embedded Enforcement
This specification defines a mechanism by which a web page can embed a nested browsing context if and only if it agrees to enforce a particular set of restrictions upon itself.
Content Security Policy: Embedded Enforcement Specification
Web Application Security Working Group
meet 3rd wednesday of each month at 9AM PT
This are documents that define cookies and how they operates.
Cookies: HTTP State Management Mechanism
A current proposed update from May 2024 can be found here
Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 6265
Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB)
CORB prevents the browser from receiving a cross-origin data resource if it has an X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff or if CORS doesn’t explicitly allow access to the resource (see CORS below)
Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
No regular meetings, ad-hoc as needed except for weekly bug resolution
Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)
CBOR is a binary data serialization format based on JSON. Like JSON it allows the transmission of data objects that contain name–value pairs, but in a more concise manner. This increases processing and transfer speeds at the cost of human readability.
Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 8949
There is no official CBOR repository, but there are a number of implementations in Github as shown here
Cross Origin Resource Policy (CORP)
Cross-Origin Resource Policy is a policy set by the Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy HTTP header that lets websites and applications opt in to protection against certain requests from other origins (such as those issued with elements like <script> and <img>), to mitigate speculative side-channel attacks, like Spectre, as well as Cross-Site Script Inclusion attacks.
Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
No regular meetings, ad-hoc as needed except for weekly bug resolution
Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
The browser's same-origin policy blocks reading a resource from a different origin. This prevent malicious sites from reading other sites' data, but it also prevents legitimate uses.
CORS, which is turned off by default, lets the server tell the browser it can use an additional origin.
Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
No regular meetings, ad-hoc as needed except for weekly bug resolution
File API
The File API defines the basic representations for files, lists of files, errors raised by access to files, and programmatic ways to read files.
Web Applications Workign Group
No regular meetings, ad-hoc as needed except for weekly bug resolution
File System Access API
The File System Access API enables developers to build powerful web apps that interact with files on the user's local device, such as IDEs, photo and video editors, and text editors among others. It is used by GPS to interface with its SQLite storage
Google Open Source V8 Engine
V8 is Google’s open source high-performance JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, written in C++. It is used in Chrome and in Node.js, among others. It implements ECMAScript and WebAssembly, and runs on Windows 7 or later, macOS 10.12+, and Linux systems that use x64, IA-32, ARM, or MIPS processors. V8 can run standalone, or can be embedded into any C++ application.
Google Sandbox 2.0
Sandbox2 is an open-source C++ security sandbox for Linux written by security engineers at Google. Sandbox2 allows developers to run untrusted third-party developed software where they don't have access to source code, or don't have resources to perform a source code assessment
Intersection Observer API
An API that can be used to understand the visibility and position of DOM elements ("targets") relative to a containing element or to the top-level viewport ("root"). It presents a security weakness for Fenced Frames and will ultimately not be supported int he Fenced Frames API
W3C Intersection Observer Specification
Web Applications Working Group
No specific meeting times - this specification appears to be completed and not edited right now
Navigator Object
A browser element that pulls the state of the user agent. A fundamental HTML underlying technology underlying the Sandbox
Navigator Object (part of the HTML specification)
Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
No regular meetings, ad-hoc as needed except for weekly bug resolution
Permissions Policy
Permissions Policy provides mechanisms for web developers to explicitly declare what functionality can and cannot be used on a website.
Web Application Security Working Group
meet 3rd wednesday of each month at 9AM PT
Secure Contexts
Describes threat models for feature abuse on the web and outlines normative requirements which should be incorporated into documents specifying new features
Web Application Security Working Group
meets 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9AM PT
Secure Contexts
WebAssembly (WASM)
WebAssembly is a type of binary-code that can be run in modern web browsers, it enables us to write code in multiple languages and run it at near-native speed on the web.
Web Interface Definition Language (WIDL)
This is a deeply technical, fundamental browser standard that most business types can ignore and yet understand the Privacy Sandbox. However, it is fundamental to how various Privacy Sandbox capabilities work, for example script runners. So mentioned here.
Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
No regular meetings, ad-hoc as needed except for weekly bug resolution
Web Workers
Web workers are designed to perform computationally intensive or long-running tasks in a separate thread, improving responsiveness of the main thread. They were intended to be used for long-running scripts with high startup performance costs and high per-instance memory costs, that are not interrupted by scripts that respond to user-generated interactions.
Web Workers W3C Specification (part of HTML Standard)
Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
No regular meetings, ad-hoc as needed except for weekly bug resolution
Worklets are a lightweight version of web workers that allow developers to extend the CSS rendering engine to handle custom CSS properties, functions and animations.
Worklets W3C Specification (part of HTML standard)
Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
No regular meetings, ad-hoc as needed except for weekly bug resolution
Web Bundles
Fenced Frames are designed to be able to provide a second type of protection as well: they will not use the network to load any data from a server, instead only rendering content that was previously downloaded (e.g. as a Web Bundle). This restriction is focused on preventing information leakage based on server-side joins via timing attacks.
Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) is a digital signature scheme using a variant of Schnorr signature based on twisted Edwards curves. It is designed to be faster than existing digital signature schemes without sacrificing security.
Internet Research Task Force
no specific repository, but numerous implementation examples here
Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE)
Hybrid public key encryption (HPKE) uses a symmetric encryption algorithm to encrypt data, and encapsulates the symmetric encryption material using a public key encryption algorithm. It is used in Topics API, as well as browser auctions and bidding.
Internet Research Task Force
Privacy Pass
Used by private state tokens API to generate the certificate used to validate browser represents a real person
Private State Tokens is the only reference to Privacy Pass on the Google Site
Private Click Measurement
Currently proposed by Safari and supported by Apple, but not supported by the Google Privacy Sandbox at this time, Private Click Measurement allows advertisers to track when a user clicks an ad on one site and makes a purchase (or triggers a conversion) on another site without exposing the user's identity or browsing behavior. It is an alternative to Google's Attribution Reporting API
Real-Time Bidding Experiments
Conceptual discussions around additional ideas, modifications, and extensions to the privacy sandbox for RTB including:
- Dovekey
- Augury
- Frequency Capping
- Structured User Agent
- Structured Geolocation
FLoC stands for Federated Learning of Cohorts. It was a first attempt at creating contextual audiences. It was superseded by the Topics APIl
Topics W3C WG
Second Monday of each month
INACTIVE: Multi-party Computation of Ads on the Web
Masked LARK
INACTIVE: Masked Learning, Aggregation and Reporting worKflow
Private Interest Groups Including Noise (PIGIN)
An alternative proposal for behavioral targeting that was withdrawn in favor of Protected Audiences API
INACTIVE: SPARROW was an answer to TURTLEDOVE’s limitations. Introduced by Criteo, an ad tech company, SPARROW stands for ‘Secure Private Advertising Remotely Run on Web Server.” The proposal aimed at providing more value for the ad ecosystem, more control and transparency, and safeguarding the user experience
Important elements are now part of the Protected Audiences API
INACTIVE: Private and Anonymized Requests for Ads that Keep Efficacy and Enhance Transparency
PARRROT (The Publisher Auction Responsibility Retention Revision of TurtleDove)
From prebid: A proposal to adapt Turtledove (now Protected Audiences) to allow for parallel auctions.
Sandboxed Private User Reporting Functions Operating Within Limits (SPURFOWL)
This proposal is about technologies that would be implemented to offer a path for doing reporting and measurement in a privacy-preserving way in the browser, as opposed to server-side infrastructure.
Secure Web Addressability Network (SWAN)
SWAN enables transparent audit trail of the companies that process people’s data. It provides visual indicators to confirm compliance by external auditors. It also provides consumers the option to block annoying adverts and report offenders
Was an addendum aggregating and discussing issues related to DSP and SSP elements in the original TurtleDove specification, and provided recommendations for changes.